Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Spring Break to me!

This week has been my Spring break and it has been very nice. I have done a lot of enjoyable things including sleep in a little, make a baby blanket, finish getting our food storage from the cannery, bake and clean around the house (yea!). It has been great...all except for the weather...look what I woke up to yesterday morning!! At least it has nearly melted 100% by now! Got to love Spring in Utah! Happy Spring to you!


Emmett and Ashlee said...

Congrats on the baby boy! That is so exciting. I bet Nate is stoked to get a boy first. I love the picture of your cute little belly.

Harmony said...

I like how you can see my house in the background of your first picture in this post. Oh yeah buddy! Now I'm famous!

Bugg's mama said...

Hi Tami! I was so not digging that Winter-like weather. Congrats on your boy and for being so productive during Spring Break!