Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Baby Dalin

I have a nephew! He came unexpectedly on August 27th...3 weeks early! I was able to be at his birth and take some pictures of the goings on. It was amazing. If you count Spencer's birth, this was the 8th birth I have witnessed. It never gets old. Every time it is the most amazing miracle and a witness to me of our loving Heavenly Father's plan for his children.

Me and my sister!


Unknown said...

beautiful pictures! The only births I've been at I was either the one being born or the one doing the work, LOL. It is absolutely amazing, though. :)

Unknown said...

Gorgeous pictures!! I can't wait to meet our new nephew and see all of you!

Dave and Chelsi said...

You're pictures look so great! And you've got some cute sisters that look just like YOU!! :)

Charlotte said...

I'm feeling jealous. With the exception of my own kids, I have never been present at a birth.